Free modeling, UV editing, texturing, materials, lightning, rendering and animation tutorial

This CINEMA 4D tutorial covers almost everything from modeling, UV editing, texturing, materials, lightning, rendering and animation (walking). If are you looking for more, just visit CMIVFX or my own channel ( and check other complex tutorials I made.

The tutorial itself is (for free) here:

and here is the final animation of the bag

The archive:

Vertex Pusher Announces Free Maxwell Cinema 4D Integration Tutorials

Vertex Pusher Announces Free Maxwell Cinema 4D Integration Tutorials.

01. Intro: Explains what Maxwell is and how it works.

02. Scene scale: Important concept of scene scale and how units of measurement make a real difference in Maxwell.

03. Physical camera: Physical camera paradigm explained and demonstration of photographic principles built into Maxwell.

04. Material editor: Introduces how to use the material editor to create materials.

05. Measured materials: Shows how to create very precise materials from data obtained in laboratory under controlled conditions.

06. Custom materials: This video explains the creation of various materials with very different properties such as transparency and translucency.

07. Custom materials 2: This video explains creation of various materials with very different properties such as transparency and translucency.

08. Custom materials 3: This video explains creation of various materials with very different properties such as transparency and translucency.

09. Emitters: Introduces emitters (lights), which ones to use to illuminate the scene based on exact units found in real world.

10. Calibration: This lesson shows how to balance the scene exposure with various illumination methods to obtain correct results.

11. Displacement: Explains how to use grayscale values in images to add very realistic and high number of modeled details during render time.

12. Multilight: Demonstrates Multilight – a non destructive way to change color and intensities of illumination sources anytime in the render process.

Blackstar Solutions announces Glare

Enhance the visual dynamic of your images with BlackStar Glare. The plugin blurs bright areas in your images to create a glare effect. HDR images are supported, so you can target specifically high-dynamic lights. Also dark areas can be blured to increase the contrast in your work.
he key features of Glare for Cinema 4D:

  • create glare effects with clipped and blurred lights
  • blur dark areas to enhance image contrast
  • HDR clipping: only effect HDR lights
  • expand lights for greater glare effect
  • save effects as multi-pass layer


    Siggraph Rewird 2012

    All the Maxon Cinema 4D Siggraph presentations…

    Hackeyesup, Inc – Casey Hupke
    Chris Broeska
    Ash Thorp
    abriel Smetzer
    Dr. Sassi
    himaeric – Josh Johnson
    Eric Demeusy
    Aixsponza – Manuel Merkle
    Video Copilot – Andrew Kramer
    Nick Campbell
    Matthias Zabiegly
    Chris Korn Day 3
    Jim Clark


    Blackstar Solutions: XRefShader

    Blackstar Solutions: XRefShader

    The XrefShader allows you to render another scene as a shader. So you could use the xref shader, put it on a wall, specify a C4D scene file in the shader’s options and frame setting and when you render it, it will render the other document with it’s settings there.
    Per default, it renders the same frame as in the main document. But one can also specify a static frame number or any relation etc…

    The really neat thing about the xref shader is (besides of course that it’s a real reference just like xref, so changes get updated automatically) is this: the linked xref scene does not get fully rendered but only those parts that are visible and only with the needed sample rate. So if you would move away with your cam from that wall, and details on the wall would be lesser and lesser, the render times of the linked wall scene would be faster and faster because of lower samples. And you can zoom in on the wall and you would always get a clear image, because the shader really translates the rays from your main scene into camera rays of the linked scene and thus the sample rate goes up.
